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About us

We welcome you in our brand-new, modern, and comfortable practice in the charming old part of Rijswijk. The practice has been carefully designed to make your visit to our Cleanic as enjoyable as possible.

Discover the benefits of our Cleanic

Cleanic Mondzorg. Mondhygiënist Rijswijk. Mondhygiënist Den Haag

Painless dental cleaning

We use a combination of air, water, and fine powder particles to remove deposits, plaque, and early-stage tartar.

Cleanic Mondzorg. Mondhygiënist Rijswijk. Mondhygiënist Den Haag

Latest methods and techniques

We operate according to the latest methods and techniques, and we exclusively use A-brands. This ensures the most pleasant treatment with the best results.

Cleanic Mondzorg. Mondhygiënist Rijswijk. Mondhygiënist Den Haag

No waiting list

You can schedule an appointment for the same week.

Cleanic Mondzorg. Mondhygiënist Rijswijk. Mondhygiënist Den Haag

No referral needed

You don't need a referral from a dentist to receive treatment from us.

Cleanic Mondzorg. Mondhygiënist Rijswijk. Mondhygiënist Den Haag

Free parking

We are easily accessible by public transportation and by car. You can park for free in front of our clinic until 6:00 PM.

Cleanic Mondzorg. Mondhygiënist Rijswijk. Mondhygiënist Den Haag

Expert & friendly staff

Our team consists of experienced and friendly professionals who prioritize your care.


In our practice, we are actively committed to sustainability in dental care. We are taking targeted steps to contribute to a better environment and an improved world. These efforts are underscored by our conscious approach to sustainability within the organization and our sustainable practices.

A concrete example of our commitment is the reduction of our paper usage by opting for digital processes wherever possible. This means that we digitally send appointment confirmations, reminders, appointment cards, and referral letters.

Reducing energy consumption is crucial in our sustainability efforts. We have consciously chosen a green energy supplier and aim to minimize our energy usage by using energy-efficient equipment and turning off or putting equipment in sleep mode during the night. Our practice is now equipped exclusively with LED lighting to save as much energy as possible.

Additionally, we contribute to a cleaner water cycle by using environmentally friendly cleaning products that meet the EU Eco-label standards. This reduces the negative impact of washed-away cleaning agents in wastewater.

Aware of the waste challenges that a dental practice faces, we proactively manage our waste. Although strict hygiene measures make reuse difficult, we are committed to minimizing our waste production by carefully separating waste and conscientiously handling materials.


Our hygiene policy is in line with the "Guidelines for Infection Prevention in Dental Practices." This allows us to ensure the safety and health of both our patients and our team. We place great importance on staying up-to-date with the latest hygiene guidelines to collectively work according to the highest hygiene standards.

In addition to our established procedures and high-tech equipment, we have implemented several additional measures that contribute to improved hygiene within our practice:


We do not have a sink on the dental unit, also known as the spittoon. We have chosen not to use this as we do not consider it hygienic.


Aerosols and splatters generated during dental procedures have the potential to spread infections to both staff and patients. By taking extra precautions, we aim to minimize mouth-related aerosols. For example, before treatment, we ask everyone to rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash. This results in a reduction of up to 96% of the bacterial load in the mouth and, ultimately, in aerosols. To further control aerosols, we use a large suction system instead of a small saliva ejector. Effective source suction that reduces aerosol emissions lowers the risk of cross-infection and cross-contamination. Finally, our practice is equipped with an advanced ventilation system that constantly refreshes the air, ensuring optimal air quality.


We have a lockable sterilization room where we clean, disinfect, and sterilize used instruments (RDS). This ensures that our patients never come into contact with contaminated instruments. In our sterilization room, we use clear color coding to clearly distinguish between the clean side (green) and the dirty side (red).

Sterilisatie. Cleanic Mondzorg. Mondhygiënist Rijswijk. Mondhygiënist Den Haag
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